Newspapers have long been used as a traditional method for packing fruits in India, particularly anar (pomegranate). This practice has been passed down through generations and continues to be widely practiced. The question arises: why are newspapers used for this purpose, and does it actually keep the fruits safe?
One reason for using newspapers is their availability and cost-effectiveness. Newspapers are easily available and can be obtained at a low cost. This makes them a economical and convenient option for fruit vendors who need to pack large quantities of fruits on a daily basis.
Additionally, newspaper katran paper provide a layer of protection to the fruits. The shredded paper acts as a cushioning material, preventing direct contact between the fruits and the boxes or other fruits stacked on top of one another and any external surfaces that could potentially cause damage or bruising during transportation.
However, it is important to note that while newspapers may offer some level of protection, they are not specifically designed for fruit packing. In recent times, there has been an increased awareness about food safety and hygiene standards. As a result, alternative packaging materials such as white katran (shredded paper strips in white colur made from industrial grade paper shredder machine) have gained popularity due to their clean and dust free shreds, ideal for food-related packing purposes.
In conclusion, while newspapers have traditionally been used for packing fruits in India, there are other options available that may offer better protection and adhere to modern food safety standards. It is essential for fruit vendors and consumers alike to consider using appropriate packaging materials that prioritize both safety and hygiene.
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